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History of LBEA

The Long Beach Environmental Alliance was founded in the summer of 2017 by Sokha Ny and John Kindred, residents of Long Beach, California. We are an environmental community organization who are dedicated to addressing issues of litter pollution, climate change, and coastal climate change.  


With global warming underway, we hope to bring environmental and health groups together to protect the future of our planet by finding better energy alternatives and reducing the use of water & plastics. GOING GREEN all for a better Earth. 


It's urgent that we act NOW. The actions that we'll do will affect us in the future. We WILL push the climate beyond the tipping points. We all have the ability to make a change and WE NEED YOUR HELP! We are asking you to join our alliance because of the health of our community and future depends on the decisions we make NOW! Our alliance can bring inspirations to other communities across California and hopefully the WORLD! 



Our Mission

Working together for local solutions to environmental issues through action, passion, and advocacy in the city of long beach.

Looking For Ways to Get Involved?


Join Our Alliance

Donate Time/Talents

Practice Sustainability

Attend a Beach/Neighborhood  Cleanup

Attend City Council meetings, marches, or rallies

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